Developer Programs




Core Schemas > Silverlake > cfpard_raw
Column nameDescriptionModeTypeLength
__opContains the operation type. Values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete.REQUIREDSTRING
__op_tsoperation timestamp added by export codeREQUIREDTIMESTAMP
__uidThe Unique ID of this entry. Data, UUID, or GUIDREQUIREDSTRING
__verMapping and Schema VersionREQUIREDINTEGER
appcodApplication Code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appdesDescription | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
appdolDeposit or Loan totals | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appinqInquiry Type | CHAR(8)NULLABLESTRING8
p2costGL Cost Center | DEC(4,0)NULLABLEINTEGER4
p2prodGL Product Code | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
appdt1Date #1 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
usedf1Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appdt2Date #2 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
usedf2Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appdt3Date #3 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
usedf3Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appdt4Date #4 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
usedf4Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appds5Date #5 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
usedf5Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
usedf6Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appds6Date #6 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
appam1Amount #1 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
useaf1Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appam2Amount #2 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
useaf2Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appam3Amount #3 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
useaf3Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appam4Amount #4 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
useaf4Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appam5Amount #5 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
useaf5Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appam6Amount #6 Description | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
useaf6Display In Stmt Summary | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appdc1Amount #1 Decimal | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
appdc2Amount #2 Decimal | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
appdc3Amount #3 Decimal | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
appdc4Amount #4 Decimal | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
appdc5Amount #5 Decimal | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
appdc6Amount #6 Decimal | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
apped1Amount #1 Edit code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
apped2Amount #2 Edit code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
apped3Amount #3 Edit code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
apped4Amount #4 Edit code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
apped5Amount #5 Edit code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
apped6Amount #6 Edit code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
appus1User field #1 Desc | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
appus2User field #2 Desc | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
appus3User field #3 Desc | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
appus4User field #4 Desc | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
appus5User field #5 Desc | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
appus6User field #6 Desc | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
appcomInclude Comb Stmt | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
apppasPassport Intergration | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
Last updated Thu Dec 12 2024