Developer Programs




Core Schemas > Silverlake > ddfeesiw_raw
Column nameDescriptionModeTypeLength
__opContains the operation type. Values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete.REQUIREDSTRING
__op_tsoperation timestamp added by export codeREQUIREDTIMESTAMP
__uidThe Unique ID of this entry. Data, UUID, or GUIDREQUIREDSTRING
__verMapping and Schema VersionREQUIREDINTEGER
tracctAccount number | DEC(16,0)NULLABLEINTEGER16
tratypAccount type | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
seqSequence number | DEC(10,0)NULLABLEINTEGER10
feecodFee code | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
amtTransaction amount | DEC(13,2)NULLABLEFLOAT13.2
efhds1EFT Description 1 | CHAR(30)NULLABLESTRING30
efhds2EFT Description 2 | CHAR(30)NULLABLESTRING30
ddmwidWorkstation ID | CHAR(24)NULLABLESTRING24
ddmtimTime change made | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
trcountFee item count | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
tramtfreeAmount free | DEC(11,2)NULLABLEFLOAT11.2
trcntfreeCount free | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
orgchgdt6Original charge date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
orgchgdt7Original charge date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
nsfrvcdNSF/OD Reversal code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
orgtcOriginal Trancode | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
ovrcobalCharge Off Bal affected | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
feewavamtTransaction waived amount | DEC(11,2)NULLABLEFLOAT11.2
guidrowidGlobal Unique Identifier Row ID | BIGINT(8)NULLABLEINTEGER8
ddfcolidUnique row Id | BIGINT(8)NULLABLEINTEGER8
ddfcrttsRow create timestamp | TIMESTAMP LEN(26)NULLABLESTRING26
ddfmnttsRow last maint timestamp | TIMESTAMP LEN(26)NULLABLESTRING26
Last updated Thu Dec 12 2024