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Core Schemas > Silverlake > lnhist_raw
Column nameDescriptionModeTypeLength
__opContains the operation type. Values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete.REQUIREDSTRING
__op_tsoperation timestamp added by export codeREQUIREDTIMESTAMP
__uidThe Unique ID of this entry. Data, UUID, or GUIDREQUIREDSTRING
__verMapping and Schema VersionREQUIREDINTEGER
lhacctAccount number | DEC(16,0)NULLABLEINTEGER16
lhatypAccount type | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
jhtranidJH transaction ID | CHAR(10)NULLABLESTRING10
lhtranTran code | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
lhafftAffects code | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
lhdorcDr/Cr code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
lhpstdPosting date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
lhpst6Posting date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
lhamtTransaction amount | DEC(11,2)NULLABLEFLOAT11.2
lhefdtEffective date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
lhefd6Effective date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
lhdudtPayment Due date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
lhdud6Payment Due date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
lhsrcInput source | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
lhostsOld status | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
lhnstsNew status | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
lhoratOld rate | DEC(9,8)NULLABLEFLOAT9.8
lhnratNew rate | DEC(9,8)NULLABLEFLOAT9.8
lhbat_num_Batch number | DEC(4,0)NULLABLEINTEGER4
lhseq_num_Sequence number | DEC(10,0)NULLABLEINTEGER10
lhpsq_num_Posted sequence | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
lhcqsqCQ tran sequence | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
lhefcdEFT desc key | DEC(13,0)NULLABLEINTEGER13
lhserlSerial number | DEC(10,0)NULLABLEINTEGER10
lhetypEscrow type | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
lheseqEscrow distribution seq# | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
lhstatTransaction status | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
lhshadShadow flag | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
image_num_Image item # | DEC(15,0)NULLABLEINTEGER15
hifrd6Interest from date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
hifrd7Interest from date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
hitod6Interest to date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
hitod7Interest to date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
lhabalAccrual balance | DEC(13,2)NULLABLEFLOAT13.2
lhlacdAdv allocation code | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
lhrvnpd6Reversed next payment due date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
lhrvnpd7Reversed next payment due date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
lhfee_num_Fee number | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
acfilkACH file key | CHAR(25)NULLABLESTRING25
acbatnACH batch | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
lnfpidUnit number | CHAR(30)NULLABLESTRING30
lhachsecACH standard entry class | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
lhachcoiACH company ID | CHAR(10)NULLABLESTRING10
lhfptpDP plan Type | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
lhfps_num_DP plan sequence number | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
lhuiytdDP update YTD interest | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
lhepayeeEscrow payee | CHAR(35)NULLABLESTRING35
lhfeeseqFee sequence | CHAR(26)NULLABLESTRING26
lhpashstPass to servicing hist | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
lhrefseqRefund sequence | CHAR(26)NULLABLESTRING26
lhjxpdjXchange product | CHAR(15)NULLABLESTRING15
lhjxvdjXchange vendor | CHAR(15)NULLABLESTRING15
lhtset_num_Transaction set number | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
lhtseq_num_Transaction set sequence number | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
lhprepstPreposted code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
lnhrowidUnique row ID | BIGINT(8)NULLABLEINTEGER8
lnhrowcrtRow create timestamp | TIMESTAMP LEN(26)NULLABLESTRING26
lnhrowmntRow last maint timestamp | TIMESTAMP LEN(26)NULLABLESTRING26

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Last updated Thu Dec 12 2024