Core Schemas
Column name | Description | Mode | Type | Length |
__op | Contains the operation type. Values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete. | REQUIRED | STRING | |
__op_ts | operation timestamp added by export code | REQUIRED | TIMESTAMP | |
__uid | The Unique ID of this entry. Data, UUID, or GUID | REQUIRED | STRING | |
__ver | Mapping and Schema Version | REQUIRED | INTEGER | |
lnlcif | CIF Number | CHAR(7) | NULLABLE | STRING | 7 |
lnlact | Loan Line # | DEC(16,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 16 |
lnlsta | Credit Line Status | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
lnlbr_num_ | Credit Line Branch | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
lnloff | Credit Line Officer | CHAR(6) | NULLABLE | STRING | 6 |
lnlmln | Main Line Number | DEC(16,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 16 |
lnllln | Leading Line Number | DEC(16,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 16 |
lnlpcd | Participation Code | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnllin | Credit Line Amount | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlexd | Expiration Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
lnlex6 | Expiration Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
lnlfmd | Date Last File Maint | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
lnlfm6 | Date Last File Maint | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
lnltyp | Type of Credit Line | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
lnlcbl | Line Balance | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnladv | Line Advances | DEC(15,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 15.2 |
lnlavl | Line Available | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlcom | Line Committed | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlqln | Query Credit Line Amt | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlqcb | Query Balance | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlqav | Query Available | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnqadv | Query Advances | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlqcm | Query Committed | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnldsc | Line Description | CHAR(30) | NULLABLE | STRING | 30 |
lnlstc | Combined Statement | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnlsfr | Statement Freq | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
lnlsfc | Statement Freq Code | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnlsdy | Statement Day of month | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
lnlsd1 | Semi Mnthly 1st day | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
lnlsd2 | Semi Mnthly 2nd day | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
lnlst7 | Last Stmt Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
lnlst6 | Last Stmt Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
lnldys | Days Paid Out | DEC(5,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 5 |
sname | Short Name | CHAR(20) | NULLABLE | STRING | 20 |
lnlmnd | DDA min for advance | DEC(9,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 9 |
lnlav4 | QTR AVG BAL 4 | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
lnlav3 | QTR AVG BAL 3 | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
lnlav2 | QTR AVG BAL 2 | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
lnlqab | AGGR BAL-CUR QTR | DEC(15,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 15 |
lnlqad | AGGR DAY-CUR QTR | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
lnlad4 | ADVANCE QTR 4 | DEC(15,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 15 |
lnlad3 | ADVANCE QTR 3 | DEC(15,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 15 |
lnlad2 | ADVANCE QTR 2 | DEC(15,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 15 |
lnlad1 | ADVANCE CUR QTR | DEC(15,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 15 |
lnlcan | Credit Line Cancelled | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnlcol | Line Collateral Code | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
lnlcal | Line Call Report Code | CHAR(8) | NULLABLE | STRING | 8 |
lnlorg | Original Line Amount | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlotm | Line Original Term | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
lnlotc | Line Original Term Code | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnltax | Line Tax Reference # | CHAR(20) | NULLABLE | STRING | 20 |
lnlfrz | Freeze Advance Amount | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlclcavl | Regulatory Calculated Available | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnladj | Line Available Adjustments | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlmploc | Master plan line of credit | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnlcode | User code 1 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnlnum | User number 1 | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
lnlamt | User amount 1 | DEC(11,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 11.2 |
lnldat6 | User date 1 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
lnldat7 | User date 1 | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
lnlguide | Guidance line | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnllevel | Line level | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
lnladvun | Advised/unadvised status | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnlresvll | Affect on LOC level available | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
lnlslpdn | Straight line prin paydown | DEC(15,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 15.2 |
lnllvbal | Line level balance | DEC(15,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 15.2 |
lnllvavl | Line level available | DEC(15,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 15.2 |
lnlipfrz | LIP freeze disbursement amount | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
lnlippc | LIP Inspect % of Completion | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
lnlipfa | LIP Disb based on % Complete | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
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Last updated Thu Dec 12 2024