Core Schemas
Column name | Description | Mode | Type | Length |
__op | Contains the operation type. Values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete. | REQUIRED | STRING | |
__op_ts | operation timestamp added by export code | REQUIRED | TIMESTAMP | |
__uid | The Unique ID of this entry. Data, UUID, or GUID | REQUIRED | STRING | |
__ver | Mapping and Schema Version | REQUIRED | INTEGER | |
acctno | Account Number | DEC(16,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 16 |
actype | Account Type | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
micert | Mortgage Ins Cert. # | CHAR(10) | NULLABLE | STRING | 10 |
mipct | Mortgage Ins Percent | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
propsr | Property street | CHAR(30) | NULLABLE | STRING | 30 |
propct | Property city | CHAR(20) | NULLABLE | STRING | 20 |
propst | Property state | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
propzp | Property zip code | DEC(9,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 9 |
cltvra | Combined LTV ratio | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
numbor | Number of borrowers | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
borsex | Borrower gender | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
cobsex | Coborrower gender | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
borrac | Borrower race | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
cobrac | Coborrower race | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
borage | Borrower age | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
cobage | Coborrower age | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
frsttm | 1st time buyer | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
yrbult | Year built | DEC(4,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 4 |
bedrm1 | # bedrooms - Unit 1 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
bedrm2 | # bedrooms - Unit 2 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
bedrm3 | # bedrooms - Unit 3 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
bedrm4 | # bedrooms - Unit 4 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
purchp | Purchase price | DEC(9,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 9 |
moninc | Monthly income | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
mhouex | Monthly housing expense | DEC(5,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 5 |
mdebex | Monthly debt expense | DEC(5,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 5 |
elrnt1 | Eligible rents unit 1 | DEC(5,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 5 |
elrnt2 | Eligible rents unit 2 | DEC(5,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 5 |
elrnt3 | Eligible rents unit 3 | DEC(5,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 5 |
elrnt4 | Eligible rents unit 4 | DEC(5,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 5 |
spccfe1 | Special feature #1 | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
spccfe2 | Special feature #2 | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
spccfe3 | Special feature #3 | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
spccfe4 | Special feature #4 | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
spccfe5 | Special feature #5 | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
spccfe6 | Special feature #6 | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
secmtg | Second mortgage flag | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
fhava | FHA/VA flag | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
fhacs_num_ | FHA Case Number | CHAR(11) | NULLABLE | STRING | 11 |
fhaadp | FHA ADP Number | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
hudoff | HUD Office ID | CHAR(10) | NULLABLE | STRING | 10 |
hdlqst | HUD Delinquency Status | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
hdlqd6 | HUD Delinquency Status date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
hdlqd7 | HUD Delinquency Status date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
hoccco | HUD Occupancy Code | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
hcasbk | HUD Case in Bankruptcy | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
bkdt6 | Bankruptcy date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
bkdt7 | Bankruptcy date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
hdfltc | HUD Cause of default | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
units_num_ | Number of units | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
occcod | Occupancy code | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
prjtyp | Project type | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
salabl | Saleable flag | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
invpur | Investor purpose | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
propty | Property type | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
micode | JHA MI code | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
invmic | Investor MI code | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
blncd7 | Balloon call date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
blncd6 | Balloon call date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
orgrat | Original rate | DEC(9,8) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 9.8 |
fpchd7 | First payment change | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
fpchd6 | First payment change | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
frchd7 | First rate change | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
frchd6 | First rate change | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
inoed7 | Int only end date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
inoed6 | Int only end date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
featcd | Feature Code | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
condop | Condo PUD Name | CHAR(20) | NULLABLE | STRING | 20 |
reddoc | Reduced Documentation | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
orgpmt | Borrower Initial Payment | DEC(11,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 11.2 |
yrlypi | % Yrly Payment Increase | DEC(9,8) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 9.8 |
gradpo | Graduated Payment Option | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
convrt | Convertible | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
ahids1 | AHI-Downpayment Source 1 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahids2 | AHI-Downpayment Source 2 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahids3 | AHI-Downpayment Source 3 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahids4 | AHI-Downpayment Source 4 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahida1 | AHI-Downpayment Amount 1 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahida2 | AHI-Downpayment Amount 2 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahida3 | AHI-Downpayment Amount 3 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahida4 | AHI-Downpayment Amount 4 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahics1 | AHI-Closing Cst Source 1 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahics2 | AHI-Closing Cst Source 2 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahics3 | AHI-Closing Cst Source 3 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahics4 | AHI-Closing Cst Source 4 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahica1 | AHI-Closing Cst Amount 1 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahica2 | AHI-Closing Cst Amount 2 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahica3 | AHI-Closing Cst Amount 3 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahica4 | AHI-Closing Cst Amount 4 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahisf1 | AHI-Secondary Financin 1 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahisf2 | AHI-Secondary Financin 2 | DEC(2,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 2 |
ahisa1 | AHI-Secondary Fin Amnt 1 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahisa2 | AHI-Secondary Fin Amnt 2 | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ahiba1 | AHI-Borrower Educ ADM 1 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
ahiba2 | AHI-Borrower Educ ADM 2 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
ahibf1 | AHI-Borrower Educ FMT 1 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
ahibf2 | AHI-Borrower Educ FMT 2 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
garpct | Guaranteed Percentage | DEC(9,8) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 9.8 |
sbagp_num_ | SBA Assigned GP Number | CHAR(10) | NULLABLE | STRING | 10 |
mifssd | MGIC Foreclosure Sale Schedule Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
mifshd | MGIC Foreclosure Sale Held Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
mirped | MGIC Redemption Period End Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
mivcad | MGIC Voluntary Conveyance Accepted Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
miprsd | MGIC Property Sold Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
mibkrd | MGIC Bankruptcy Relief Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
mifss7 | MGIC Foreclosure Sale Schedule Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
mifsh7 | MGIC Foreclosure Sale Held Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
mirpe7 | MGIC Redemption Period End Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
mivca7 | MGIC Voluntary Conveyance Accepted Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
miprs7 | MGIC Property Sold Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
mibkr7 | MGIC Bankruptcy Relief Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
mirdcd | MGIC Interface File Record Code | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
minpcd | MGIC Non-pay Code | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
mirmvl | MGIC Removal Code | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
mibkcd | MGIC Bankruptcy Code | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
mioccd | MGIC Occupancy Code | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
plgflg | FHLB Pledge Flag | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
plgcod | FHLB Institution Code | CHAR(3) | NULLABLE | STRING | 3 |
sbapnt | SBA basis points | DEC(5,3) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.3 |
mers_num_ | MERS Number | CHAR(18) | NULLABLE | STRING | 18 |
proskey | PROSPECTOR KEY | CHAR(18) | NULLABLE | STRING | 18 |
credscr | CREDIT SCORE | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
borrslfemp | Borrower Self Employed | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
borrfico | Borrower FICO | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
coborrinc | Co-Borrower Income | DEC(8,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 8.2 |
coborrfico | Co-Borrower FICO | DEC(3,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 3 |
proptype | Property Type | CHAR(4) | NULLABLE | STRING | 4 |
loanpurp | Loan Purpose | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
loanprdct | Loan Product | CHAR(4) | NULLABLE | STRING | 4 |
subordfin | Subordinated Financing | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
hsgexprat | Housing Expense Ratio | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
totdbtrat | Total Debt Ratio | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
mpfmstrc_num_ | MPF Master Commitment # | CHAR(5) | NULLABLE | STRING | 5 |
doctype | Documentation Type | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
totothdbt | Total Other Debt | DEC(8,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 8.2 |
rentputl1 | Rent Plus Utilities Unit 1 | DEC(8,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 8.2 |
rentputl2 | Rent Plus Utilities Unit 2 | DEC(8,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 8.2 |
rentputl3 | Rent Plus Utilities Unit 3 | DEC(8,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 8.2 |
rentputl4 | Rent Plus Utilities Unit 4 | DEC(8,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 8.2 |
unitowno1 | Unit Owner Occupied Unit 1 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
unitowno2 | Unit Owner Occupied Unit 2 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
unitowno3 | Unit Owner Occupied Unit 3 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
unitowno4 | Unit Owner Occupied Unit 4 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
propcntnme | Property County Name | CHAR(20) | NULLABLE | STRING | 20 |
closedate6 | Estimated Closing Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
closedate7 | Estimated Closing Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
agencycase | Agency Case Number | CHAR(30) | NULLABLE | STRING | 30 |
borrowinc | Borrower Income | DEC(8,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 8.2 |
borrac2 | Borrower Race 2 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
borrac3 | Borrower Race 3 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
borrac4 | Borrower Race 4 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
borrac5 | Borrower Race 5 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
cobrac2 | Coborrower Race 2 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
cobrac3 | Coborrower Race 3 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
cobrac4 | Coborrower Race 4 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
cobrac5 | Coborrower Race 5 | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
borreth | Borrower Ethnicity | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
coboeth | Coborrower Ethnicity | DEC(1,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 1 |
borrbd6 | Borrower Birth Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
borrbd7 | Borrower Birth Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
coborbd6 | Coborrower Birth Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
coborbd7 | Coborrower Birth Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
hoepastat | HOEPA Status | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
ratesprd | Rate Spread | DEC(4,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 4.2 |
aprtyp | FHLB Appraisal Type | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
lnorgsrc | Loan Orig. Source | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
antiprd | Anti-Pred. Category | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
mhproc | MH-Prior Occ. Status | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
mhunits | MH- # of Units | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
mhlti | MH- Loan-to-Invoice | DEC(6,5) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 6.5 |
mhyear | MH- Year Built | DEC(4,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 4 |
lnorigid | Loan Originator Id | DEC(12,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 12 |
lnorgcid | Loan Origination Comp Id | DEC(12,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 12 |
apstlic_num_ | Appraiser State License# | CHAR(21) | NULLABLE | STRING | 21 |
sapstli_num_ | Supervis App St License# | CHAR(21) | NULLABLE | STRING | 21 |
apdocfid | Appraisal Document File | CHAR(10) | NULLABLE | STRING | 10 |
oapramt | Orig Appraised Value | DEC(9,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 9 |
srcvalue | Source of Value | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
oslnamt | Orig Senior Lien | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
cslnamt | Curr Senior Lien | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
oappdt | Orig Appraisal Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
oappdt6 | Orig Appraisal Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
ocaprat | Orig Cap Rate | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
ccaprat | Curr Cap Rate | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
oactnoi | Orig Actual NOI | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
cactnoi | Curr Actual NOI | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
oanldsv | Orig Debt Serv | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
canldsv | Curr Debt Serv | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
oavglsrt | Orig Avg Lease Rate | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
cavglsrt | Curr Avg Lease Rate | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
ovacrate | Orig Vacancy Rate | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
cvacrate | Curr Vacancy Rate | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
odscratio | Orig DSC Ratio | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
cdscratio | Curr DSC Ratio | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
oborrdtoi | Orig Borrower DTOI | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
cborrdtoi | Curr Borrower DTOI | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
ocobrdtoi | Orig CoBorrower DTOI | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
ccobrdtoi | Curr CoBorrower DTOI | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
rentsqft | Rentable SQFT | DEC(9,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 9 |
landsqft | Land SQFT | DEC(13,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 13 |
propsqft | Resident Prop SQFT | DEC(9,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 9 |
listamt | Listing Amount | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
mlsnum | MLS Number | CHAR(12) | NULLABLE | STRING | 12 |
listdt | Listing Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
listdt6 | Listing Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
remuntval | Remaining Unit Value | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
remuntnum | # of Remaining Units | DEC(4,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 4 |
reldate | Date of Last Release | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
reldate6 | Date of Last Release | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
networth | Borrower Net Worth | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
liqasset | Borrower Liq. Assets | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
approvedt | Approval Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
approvedt6 | Approval Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
stressrate | Stess Test Rating | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
stressdt | Stress Test Date | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
stressdt6 | Stress Test Date | DEC(6,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 6 |
subdivnm | Subdivision Name | CHAR(30) | NULLABLE | STRING | 30 |
mts1char1 | MTG Tech Serv Misc 1 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
mts1char2 | MTG Tech Serv Misc 2 | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
mts2char1 | MTG Tech Serv Misc 3 | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
mts2char2 | MTG Tech Serv Misc 4 | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
mts40char1 | MTG Tech Serv Misc 5 | CHAR(40) | NULLABLE | STRING | 40 |
mts40char2 | MTG Tech Serv Misc 6 | CHAR(40) | NULLABLE | STRING | 40 |
mts2amt1 | MTG Tech Serv Amt 1 | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
mts2amt2 | MTG Tech Serv Amt 2 | DEC(13,2) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 13.2 |
mts0amt1 | MTG Tech Serv Amt 3 | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
mts0amt2 | MTG Tech Serv Amt 4 | DEC(11,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 11 |
mtsrate1 | MTG Tech Serv Rate 1 | DEC(9,8) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 9.8 |
mtsrate2 | MTG Tech Serv Rate 2 | DEC(9,8) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 9.8 |
mtsdate1 | MTG Tech Serv Date 1 | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
mtsdate2 | MTG Tech Serv Date 2 | DEC(7,0) | NULLABLE | INTEGER | 7 |
hpmlflag | HPML Y/N | CHAR(1) | NULLABLE | STRING | 1 |
hpmlsprd | HPML Rate Spread | DEC(6,3) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 6.3 |
qmcode | QM Code | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
qrmcode | QRM Code | CHAR(2) | NULLABLE | STRING | 2 |
cappltv | Current appraisal LTV Ratio | DEC(5,4) | NULLABLE | FLOAT | 5.4 |
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Last updated Thu Dec 12 2024