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Core Schemas > Silverlake > lnsmtg_raw
Column nameDescriptionModeTypeLength
__opContains the operation type. Values are I for insert, U for update, D for delete.REQUIREDSTRING
__op_tsoperation timestamp added by export codeREQUIREDTIMESTAMP
__uidThe Unique ID of this entry. Data, UUID, or GUIDREQUIREDSTRING
__verMapping and Schema VersionREQUIREDINTEGER
acctnoAccount Number | DEC(16,0)NULLABLEINTEGER16
actypeAccount Type | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
micertMortgage Ins Cert. # | CHAR(10)NULLABLESTRING10
mipctMortgage Ins Percent | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
propsrProperty street | CHAR(30)NULLABLESTRING30
propctProperty city | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
propstProperty state | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
propzpProperty zip code | DEC(9,0)NULLABLEINTEGER9
cltvraCombined LTV ratio | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
numborNumber of borrowers | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
borsexBorrower gender | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
cobsexCoborrower gender | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
borracBorrower race | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
cobracCoborrower race | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
borageBorrower age | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
cobageCoborrower age | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
frsttm1st time buyer | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
yrbultYear built | DEC(4,0)NULLABLEINTEGER4
bedrm1# bedrooms - Unit 1 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
bedrm2# bedrooms - Unit 2 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
bedrm3# bedrooms - Unit 3 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
bedrm4# bedrooms - Unit 4 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
purchpPurchase price | DEC(9,0)NULLABLEINTEGER9
monincMonthly income | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
mhouexMonthly housing expense | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
mdebexMonthly debt expense | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
elrnt1Eligible rents unit 1 | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
elrnt2Eligible rents unit 2 | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
elrnt3Eligible rents unit 3 | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
elrnt4Eligible rents unit 4 | DEC(5,0)NULLABLEINTEGER5
spccfe1Special feature #1 | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
spccfe2Special feature #2 | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
spccfe3Special feature #3 | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
spccfe4Special feature #4 | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
spccfe5Special feature #5 | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
spccfe6Special feature #6 | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
secmtgSecond mortgage flag | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
fhacs_num_FHA Case Number | CHAR(11)NULLABLESTRING11
hdlqstHUD Delinquency Status | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
hdlqd6HUD Delinquency Status date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
hdlqd7HUD Delinquency Status date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
hocccoHUD Occupancy Code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
hcasbkHUD Case in Bankruptcy | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
bkdt6Bankruptcy date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
bkdt7Bankruptcy date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
hdfltcHUD Cause of default | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
units_num_Number of units | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
occcodOccupancy code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
prjtypProject type | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
salablSaleable flag | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
invpurInvestor purpose | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
proptyProperty type | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
invmicInvestor MI code | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
blncd7Balloon call date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
blncd6Balloon call date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
orgratOriginal rate | DEC(9,8)NULLABLEFLOAT9.8
fpchd7First payment change | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
fpchd6First payment change | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
frchd7First rate change | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
frchd6First rate change | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
inoed7Int only end date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
inoed6Int only end date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
featcdFeature Code | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
condopCondo PUD Name | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
reddocReduced Documentation | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
orgpmtBorrower Initial Payment | DEC(11,2)NULLABLEFLOAT11.2
yrlypi% Yrly Payment Increase | DEC(9,8)NULLABLEFLOAT9.8
gradpoGraduated Payment Option | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
convrtConvertible | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
ahids1AHI-Downpayment Source 1 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahids2AHI-Downpayment Source 2 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahids3AHI-Downpayment Source 3 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahids4AHI-Downpayment Source 4 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahida1AHI-Downpayment Amount 1 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahida2AHI-Downpayment Amount 2 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahida3AHI-Downpayment Amount 3 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahida4AHI-Downpayment Amount 4 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahics1AHI-Closing Cst Source 1 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahics2AHI-Closing Cst Source 2 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahics3AHI-Closing Cst Source 3 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahics4AHI-Closing Cst Source 4 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahica1AHI-Closing Cst Amount 1 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahica2AHI-Closing Cst Amount 2 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahica3AHI-Closing Cst Amount 3 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahica4AHI-Closing Cst Amount 4 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahisf1AHI-Secondary Financin 1 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahisf2AHI-Secondary Financin 2 | DEC(2,0)NULLABLEINTEGER2
ahisa1AHI-Secondary Fin Amnt 1 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahisa2AHI-Secondary Fin Amnt 2 | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ahiba1AHI-Borrower Educ ADM 1 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
ahiba2AHI-Borrower Educ ADM 2 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
ahibf1AHI-Borrower Educ FMT 1 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
ahibf2AHI-Borrower Educ FMT 2 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
garpctGuaranteed Percentage | DEC(9,8)NULLABLEFLOAT9.8
sbagp_num_SBA Assigned GP Number | CHAR(10)NULLABLESTRING10
mifssdMGIC Foreclosure Sale Schedule Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
mifshdMGIC Foreclosure Sale Held Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
mirpedMGIC Redemption Period End Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
mivcadMGIC Voluntary Conveyance Accepted Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
miprsdMGIC Property Sold Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
mibkrdMGIC Bankruptcy Relief Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
mifss7MGIC Foreclosure Sale Schedule Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
mifsh7MGIC Foreclosure Sale Held Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
mirpe7MGIC Redemption Period End Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
mivca7MGIC Voluntary Conveyance Accepted Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
miprs7MGIC Property Sold Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
mibkr7MGIC Bankruptcy Relief Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
mirdcdMGIC Interface File Record Code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
minpcdMGIC Non-pay Code | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
mirmvlMGIC Removal Code | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
mibkcdMGIC Bankruptcy Code | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
mioccdMGIC Occupancy Code | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
plgcodFHLB Institution Code | CHAR(3)NULLABLESTRING3
sbapntSBA basis points | DEC(5,3)NULLABLEFLOAT5.3
mers_num_MERS Number | CHAR(18)NULLABLESTRING18
borrslfempBorrower Self Employed | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
borrficoBorrower FICO | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
coborrincCo-Borrower Income | DEC(8,2)NULLABLEFLOAT8.2
coborrficoCo-Borrower FICO | DEC(3,0)NULLABLEINTEGER3
proptypeProperty Type | CHAR(4)NULLABLESTRING4
loanpurpLoan Purpose | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
loanprdctLoan Product | CHAR(4)NULLABLESTRING4
subordfinSubordinated Financing | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
hsgexpratHousing Expense Ratio | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
totdbtratTotal Debt Ratio | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
mpfmstrc_num_MPF Master Commitment # | CHAR(5)NULLABLESTRING5
doctypeDocumentation Type | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
totothdbtTotal Other Debt | DEC(8,2)NULLABLEFLOAT8.2
rentputl1Rent Plus Utilities Unit 1 | DEC(8,2)NULLABLEFLOAT8.2
rentputl2Rent Plus Utilities Unit 2 | DEC(8,2)NULLABLEFLOAT8.2
rentputl3Rent Plus Utilities Unit 3 | DEC(8,2)NULLABLEFLOAT8.2
rentputl4Rent Plus Utilities Unit 4 | DEC(8,2)NULLABLEFLOAT8.2
unitowno1Unit Owner Occupied Unit 1 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
unitowno2Unit Owner Occupied Unit 2 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
unitowno3Unit Owner Occupied Unit 3 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
unitowno4Unit Owner Occupied Unit 4 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
propcntnmeProperty County Name | CHAR(20)NULLABLESTRING20
closedate6Estimated Closing Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
closedate7Estimated Closing Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
agencycaseAgency Case Number | CHAR(30)NULLABLESTRING30
borrowincBorrower Income | DEC(8,2)NULLABLEFLOAT8.2
borrac2Borrower Race 2 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
borrac3Borrower Race 3 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
borrac4Borrower Race 4 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
borrac5Borrower Race 5 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
cobrac2Coborrower Race 2 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
cobrac3Coborrower Race 3 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
cobrac4Coborrower Race 4 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
cobrac5Coborrower Race 5 | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
borrethBorrower Ethnicity | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
coboethCoborrower Ethnicity | DEC(1,0)NULLABLEINTEGER1
borrbd6Borrower Birth Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
borrbd7Borrower Birth Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
coborbd6Coborrower Birth Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
coborbd7Coborrower Birth Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
ratesprdRate Spread | DEC(4,2)NULLABLEFLOAT4.2
aprtypFHLB Appraisal Type | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
lnorgsrcLoan Orig. Source | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
antiprdAnti-Pred. Category | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
mhprocMH-Prior Occ. Status | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
mhunitsMH- # of Units | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
mhltiMH- Loan-to-Invoice | DEC(6,5)NULLABLEFLOAT6.5
mhyearMH- Year Built | DEC(4,0)NULLABLEINTEGER4
lnorigidLoan Originator Id | DEC(12,0)NULLABLEINTEGER12
lnorgcidLoan Origination Comp Id | DEC(12,0)NULLABLEINTEGER12
apstlic_num_Appraiser State License# | CHAR(21)NULLABLESTRING21
sapstli_num_Supervis App St License# | CHAR(21)NULLABLESTRING21
apdocfidAppraisal Document File | CHAR(10)NULLABLESTRING10
oapramtOrig Appraised Value | DEC(9,0)NULLABLEINTEGER9
srcvalueSource of Value | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
oslnamtOrig Senior Lien | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
cslnamtCurr Senior Lien | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
oappdtOrig Appraisal Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
oappdt6Orig Appraisal Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
ocapratOrig Cap Rate | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
ccapratCurr Cap Rate | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
oactnoiOrig Actual NOI | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
cactnoiCurr Actual NOI | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
oanldsvOrig Debt Serv | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
canldsvCurr Debt Serv | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
oavglsrtOrig Avg Lease Rate | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
cavglsrtCurr Avg Lease Rate | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
ovacrateOrig Vacancy Rate | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
cvacrateCurr Vacancy Rate | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
odscratioOrig DSC Ratio | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
cdscratioCurr DSC Ratio | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
oborrdtoiOrig Borrower DTOI | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
cborrdtoiCurr Borrower DTOI | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
ocobrdtoiOrig CoBorrower DTOI | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
ccobrdtoiCurr CoBorrower DTOI | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4
rentsqftRentable SQFT | DEC(9,0)NULLABLEINTEGER9
landsqftLand SQFT | DEC(13,0)NULLABLEINTEGER13
propsqftResident Prop SQFT | DEC(9,0)NULLABLEINTEGER9
listamtListing Amount | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
listdtListing Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
listdt6Listing Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
remuntvalRemaining Unit Value | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
remuntnum# of Remaining Units | DEC(4,0)NULLABLEINTEGER4
reldateDate of Last Release | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
reldate6Date of Last Release | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
networthBorrower Net Worth | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
liqassetBorrower Liq. Assets | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
approvedtApproval Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
approvedt6Approval Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
stressrateStess Test Rating | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
stressdtStress Test Date | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
stressdt6Stress Test Date | DEC(6,0)NULLABLEINTEGER6
subdivnmSubdivision Name | CHAR(30)NULLABLESTRING30
mts1char1MTG Tech Serv Misc 1 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
mts1char2MTG Tech Serv Misc 2 | CHAR(1)NULLABLESTRING1
mts2char1MTG Tech Serv Misc 3 | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
mts2char2MTG Tech Serv Misc 4 | CHAR(2)NULLABLESTRING2
mts40char1MTG Tech Serv Misc 5 | CHAR(40)NULLABLESTRING40
mts40char2MTG Tech Serv Misc 6 | CHAR(40)NULLABLESTRING40
mts2amt1MTG Tech Serv Amt 1 | DEC(13,2)NULLABLEFLOAT13.2
mts2amt2MTG Tech Serv Amt 2 | DEC(13,2)NULLABLEFLOAT13.2
mts0amt1MTG Tech Serv Amt 3 | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
mts0amt2MTG Tech Serv Amt 4 | DEC(11,0)NULLABLEINTEGER11
mtsrate1MTG Tech Serv Rate 1 | DEC(9,8)NULLABLEFLOAT9.8
mtsrate2MTG Tech Serv Rate 2 | DEC(9,8)NULLABLEFLOAT9.8
mtsdate1MTG Tech Serv Date 1 | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
mtsdate2MTG Tech Serv Date 2 | DEC(7,0)NULLABLEINTEGER7
hpmlsprdHPML Rate Spread | DEC(6,3)NULLABLEFLOAT6.3
cappltvCurrent appraisal LTV Ratio | DEC(5,4)NULLABLEFLOAT5.4

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Last updated Thu Dec 12 2024