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Pipelined Data Sets > Account Services > Schema

Account Services Schema


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the identifier of the resource.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
OperationalPeriodTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the operation period to post the transactions.
PostedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the transaction was posted.
JournalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the journal identifier for the transactions.
LineItemIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the line item of the journal.
AccountIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the account for the transaction.
DebitNUMERICThis attribute defines the debit amount.
CreditNUMERICThis attribute defines the credit amount.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was created.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the identifier of the resource.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
AccountIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the account identifier of the cycle statement.
CycleDayINTEGERThis attribute defines the day of the month to generate the cycle statement.
StartDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the start date of the cycle statement period.
EndDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the end date of the cycle statement period.
EndingBalanceNUMERICThis attribute defines the account ending balance of the the cycle statement period.
MinimumBalanceNUMERICThis attribute defines the account minimum balance during the cycle statement period.
NumberOfCreditsINTEGERThis attribute defines the number of credits posted during the cycle statement period.
NumberOfDebitsINTEGERThis attribute defines the number of debits posted during the cycle statement period.
FinalStatementBOOLEANThis attribute defines if this is the final cycle statement after the account is closed.
ManualStatementBOOLEANThis attribute defines if this is a manual requested cycle statement.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was created.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who created the record.
ModifiedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was modified.
ModifiedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who modified the record.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the identifier of the resource.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
AccountIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the account identifier.
OperationalPeriodTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the operational period to post the transactions.
CurrentBalanceNUMERICThis attribute defines the current balance of the account.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was created.
OpPeriodDeltaNUMERICThis attribute defines the date the record was created.
ModifiedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was modified.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique account identifier.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
AccountNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the account number assigned to an account.
AccountTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines whether the account is a checking or savings account.
ProductIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the productId of a product assigned to an account. Attributes that can be defined are: cycle day, OD/NSF charges, fees, dormant days, accrual methods if interest is paid, etc.
AccountStatusSTRINGThis attribute defines the status of the account.
OfficerIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the FI officer assigned to an account.
CycleDayINTEGERThis attribute defines the day of the month when all account activity will be cycled to assess services charges, pay interest (if applicable), and generate an account statement.
OpenedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the account was opened.
ClosedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the account was closed.
DormantDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the account status changed to dormant.
ChargedOffDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the account was charged off.
ChargedOffAmountNUMERICThis attribute defines the amount charged off.
OverdraftLimitNUMERICThis attribute defines the overdraft limit amount value.
AutoCloseBOOLEANThis attribute defines if the account will automatically close when brought to a zero balance. This attribute will work in conjunction with the number of days at a zero balance before closing.
RegEOptInSTRINGThis attribute defines whether the Entity agrees to accept transactions that could take them into the negative balance resulting in an overdraft charge. This is a regulatory item.
CurrencyTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the ISO 4217 three character currency type. USD is the default value.
WaiveOdNsfFeesBOOLEANThis attribute defines if an account is set to waive all OD/NSF fees.
BranchIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the branch an account belongs to. The branch can be a physical or non-physical location.
WaiveServiceChargeBOOLEANThis attribute defines whether service charges can be waived on an account.
WaiveServiceChargeReasonSTRINGThis attribute defines the reason an account is set to waive service charges.
InterestPaymentMethodSTRINGThis attribute defines how interest will be paid to an account.
InterestPaymentAccountIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the account where interest payments should be deposited.
FederalWithholdingFlagBOOLEANThis attribute defines whether federal withholding should be taken from interest payments.
StateWithholdingFlagBOOLEANThis attribute defines whether state withholding should be taken from interest payments.
InterestRateNUMERICThis attribute defines the interest rate used for calculating interest payments.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was created.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who created the record.
ModifiedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was modified.
ModifiedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who modified the record.
EscheatDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the account went into escheat status.
InactiveDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the account went into inactive status.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the balance calculation setting.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
DescriptionSTRINGThis attribute defines the balance calculation setting.
SubtractHoldsBOOLEANThis attribute defines whether or not to subtract holds when calculating the available balance.
SubractFloatBOOLEANThis attribute defines whether or not to subtract float when calculating the available balance.
IsDefaultBOOLEANThis attribute defines whether the record is the default for the institution.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was created.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who created the record.
ModifiedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was last modified.
ModifiedBySTRINGThis attribute defines user who last modified the record.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the identifier of the resource.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
AccountIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the account identifier.
AccountNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the account number assigned to an account.
AccountTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines whether the account is a checking or savings account.
HoldTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the type of hold that is placed on an account. Valid Hold Types can be a Pre-authorization or ATM Deposit.
AmountNUMERICThis attribute defines the amount value of the hold.
CurrencyTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the ISO 4217 three character currency type. USD is the default value.
ReasonSTRINGThis attribute defines the description of why this hold was added to the account.
ExpirationDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the UTC date time stamp in RFC3339 format that the hold expires and will be removed from the account.
HoldStatusSTRINGThis attribute defines the hold status defines the status of a hold.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the hold was created.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who created the hold.
ModifiedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the hold was last modified.
ModifiedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who last modified the hold.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the product identifier.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
ProductDescriptionInternalSTRINGThis attribute defines the internal product name.
ProductDescriptionExternalSTRINGThis attribute defines the product name shown externally.
ProductStatusSTRINGThis attribute defines the status of the product.
AccountTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the account type will define if the product is a checking or savings.
OverdraftLimitNUMERICThis attribute defines the overdraft limit value for the product.
CurrencyTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the ISO 4217 three character currency type. USD is the default value.
NumberDaysZeroBalanceINTEGERThis attribute defines whether an account will close if it remains at a zero balance for a predetermined set number of days.
InterestRateNUMERICThis attribute defines the interest rate that will be used to calculate interest paid to an account.
AccrualMethodSTRINGThis attribute defines whether interested accruals are compounded or not. It’s required ONLY when interestRate has valid value.
AccrualMethodDaysINTEGERThis attribute defines the number of days in the calendar year the interest accruals are calculated on. It’s required ONLY when interestRate has valid value.
CycleDayINTEGERThis attribute defines the day of the month when all account activity will be cycled to assess services charges, pay interest (if applicable), and generate an account statement.
CycleTimeServiceChargeFeeIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the Cycle Time Service Charge Fee Id.
OdItemFeeIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the Od Item Fee Id.
ReturnItemFeeIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the Return Item Fee Id.
FlatFeeIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the Flat Fee Id.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was created.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who created the record.
ModifiedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was modified.
ModifiedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who modified the record.


IDSTRINGA unique identifier to establish the identity of record.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGA unique identifier to establish the identity of an institution.
StateCodeSTRINGA two-character abbreviation for the state setting.
DormantDaysINTEGERThe number of days before an account is dormant.
EscheatDaysINTEGERThe number of days before an account is escheat.
InactiveDaysINTEGERThe number of days before an account is inactive.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of the resource being accessed.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
AccountIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the account identifier.
AccountNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the account number assigned to an account.
AccountTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines if the account is a checking or savings.
AmountNUMERICThis attribute defines the amount value of the transaction.
CurrencyTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the ISO 4217 three character currency type. USD is the default value.
ReasonSTRINGThis attribute defines the reason for the stop payment request.
EffectiveDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the effective date of the stop transaction.
ExpirationDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date from when the stop is no longer enforceable. If expiration date is blank, the default expiration is used.
OriginatorIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a 10-digit unique identifier used to identify the originator of the transaction.
OriginatorSECCodeSTRINGThis attribute defines the type of ACH transaction like PPD (personal payment/debit), CCD (commercial cash concentration/disbursement), etc.
PayeeSTRINGThis attribute defines the originator of the transaction.
StopTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines if the transaction is a one-time or recurring transaction.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was created.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who created the record.
ModifiedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was modified.
ModifiedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who modified the record.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the stop payment setting identifier.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines a unique identifier to establish the identity of an Institution/Environment/Brand combination.
OneTimeAchStopPaymentExpirationMonthsINTEGERThis attribute defines the number of months Digital Core will set as a default expiration date on a stop payment if the field is left blank when adding a stop payment.
RecurringAchStopPaymentExpirationMonthsINTEGERThis attribute defines the number of months Digital Core will set as a default expiration date on a stop payment if the field is left blank when adding a stop payment.
VerbalAchStopPaymentExpirationMonthsINTEGERThis attribute defines the number of months Digital Core will set as a default expiration date on a stop payment if the field is left blank when adding a stop payment.
PostAllStopPaymentSuspectsBOOLEANThis attribute defines whether or not FI wants to post stop payment suspects to an account.
CreatedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was created.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who created the record.
ModifiedDateTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date the record was last modified.
ModifiedBySTRINGThis attribute defines the user who last modified the record.

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Last updated Tue Nov 5 2024