Developer Programs




Pipelined Data Sets > Exception Item Processing > Schema

Exception Item Processing Schema


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier exception this detail record is associated with.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the institution.
OfficerIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the identifier of the officer associated with the account.
EntityNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the entity number associated with the account.
NameOnAccountSTRINGThis attribute defines the name on the account.
CreatedDateTimeTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date and time the account detail was created.
TransactionDateDATEThis attribute defines the date of the transaction associated with the account detail.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier exception this detail record is associated with.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the institution.
CreatedDateTimeTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date and time the ACH detail was created.
TransactionDateDATEThis attribute defines the date of the transaction associated with the ACH detail.
AchCodeSTRINGThis attribute defines the ACH transaction code, indicating whether the entry is a debit or credit and if it’s related to checking, savings, or loan accounts.
AchFileKeySTRINGThis attribute defines a unique key for the ACH file, used to identify the file within the ACH network.
AchBatchSTRINGThis attribute defines the batch number within the ACH file, grouping related transactions together.
AchSequenceSTRINGThis attribute defines the sequence number of the transaction within the ACH batch.
AchStdEntryClassCodeSTRINGThis attribute defines the Standard Entry Class (SEC) code, which designates the type of ACH transactions, such as PPD for direct deposits or CCD for corporate credits/debits.
AchCompanyIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the company identification number used in the ACH transaction.
AchCompanyNameSTRINGThis attribute defines the name of the company involved in the ACH transaction.
OdfiRoutingNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the routing number of the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI) that initiated the ACH transaction.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier exception this detail record is associated with.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the institution.
CreatedDateTimeTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date and time the NSF detail was created.
TransactionDateDATEThis attribute defines the date of the transaction associated with the NSF detail.
GlBranchIdSTRINGID of the branch associated with the general ledger account.
CostCenterSTRINGCost center code associated with general ledger account.
ProductCodeSTRINGProduct code associated with general ledger account.
GlDescriptionSTRINGA description of the general ledger entry.
GlTransactionReferenceSTRINGContains information that refers to the transaction that is associated with the general ledger entry.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier exception this detail record is associated with.
InstitutionUniversalIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the institution.
CreatedDateTimeTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date and time the NSF detail was created.
TransactionDateDATEThis attribute defines the date of the transaction associated with the NSF detail.
ServiceChargeCodeSTRINGThis attribute defines the code for the service charge applied to the NSF transaction.
WaiveWithinToleranceBOOLThis attribute indicates whether the NSF fee is waived within a specified tolerance.
PostingAvailableBalance_CurrencyTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the currency type of the posting available balance.
PostingAvailableBalance_ValueFLOAT64This attribute defines the value of the posting available balance.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the exception item.
InstitutionIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the institution.
StatusSTRINGThis attribute defines the status of the exception item.
TransactionExceptionTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the type of transaction exception.
TransactionStatusSTRINGThis attribute defines the status of the transaction.
TransactionDateDATEThis attribute defines the date of the transaction.
RepostHandlingSTRINGThis attribute defines how reposting is handled.
ExceptionSourceSTRINGThis attribute defines the source of the exception.
AssignedToSTRINGThis attribute defines who the exception item is assigned to.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines who created the exception item.
LastChangedBySTRINGThis attribute defines who last changed the exception item.
CreatedDateTimeTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date and time the exception item was created.
LastChangedDateTimeTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date and time the exception item was last changed.
BranchIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the branch.
DebitCreditSTRINGThis attribute defines whether the transaction is a debit or credit.
DescriptionSTRINGThis attribute defines the description of the exception item.
TransactionAmountFLOAT64This attribute defines the amount of the transaction.
TransactionExceptionDescriptionSTRINGThis attribute defines the description of the transaction exception.
TransactionIDSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the transaction.
CurrencyTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the type of currency used in the transaction.
TransactionTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the type of transaction.
TransactionSourceTracerNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the source tracer number of the transaction.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of exception item the fee is associated with.
InstitutionIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the institution.
FeeDecisionSTRINGThis attribute defines the decision regarding the fee.
FeeWaiveReasonSTRINGThis attribute defines the reason for waiving the fee.
FeeWaivedBySTRINGThis attribute defines who waived the fee.
FeeDescriptionSTRINGThis attribute defines the description of the fee.
PrintNoticeSTRINGThis attribute defines the print notice status.
AssessedFeeFLOAT64This attribute defines the assessed fee amount.
CalculatedFeeFLOAT64This attribute defines the calculated fee amount.


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the exception item.
InstitutionIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the institution.
AccountNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the account number associated with the exception item.
OriginalAccountNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the original account number before any changes.
TransactionCodeSTRINGThis attribute defines the transaction code associated with the exception item.
OriginalTransactionCodeSTRINGThis attribute defines the original transaction code before any changes.
AccountIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the account identifier associated with the exception item.
OriginalAccountIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the original account identifier before any changes.
AccountTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the type of account associated with the exception item.
OriginalAccountTypeSTRINGThis attribute defines the original account type before any changes.
CheckNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the check number associated with the exception item.
OriginalCheckNumberSTRINGThis attribute defines the original check number before any changes.
EffectiveDateDATEThis attribute defines the effective date of the exception item.
ReturnReasonSTRINGThis attribute defines the reason for returning the exception item.
OnUsReturnBOOLThis attribute indicates whether the return is on us (belonging to the same financial institution).


IdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the note.
InstitutionIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the institution.
ExceptionItemIdSTRINGThis attribute defines the unique identifier of the exception item the note is associated with.
NoteSubjectSTRINGThis attribute defines the subject of the note.
NoteContentSTRINGThis attribute defines the content of the note.
CreatedBySTRINGThis attribute defines who created the note.
LastChangedBySTRINGThis attribute defines who last changed the note.
CreatedDateTimeTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date and time the note was created.
LastChangedDateTimeTIMESTAMPThis attribute defines the date and time the note was last changed.

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Last updated Tue Nov 5 2024