Content Layout
Responsive UI applications display a header at the top, a navigation bar to the left, with the content taking the rest of the screen.
As the user navigates to new endpoints in your application, the content area updates to reflect that.
The following hierarchy exists for containing data and options within the content area.
- The function view is the outermost container for a function. It displays the function title, optional subtitle, toolbar, and breadcrumbs at the top of the view, with its content displayed below that. There is only one function view per navigation endpoint.
- Display blocks are the next level of container in the hierarchy, appearing within the function view. Each display block has a title, an optional subtitle and toolbar, with its content displayed below that. Display blocks are the top-level containers within the function view.
- Group boxes are an optional next level of container in the hierarchy, appearing within a display block. Each group box has a title and can optionally offer expand/collapse and accordion behavior.
- Tabs can also be used within a display block. Each tab has a header and content.
- A subheader can be used to title subsections of content within a display block. It can be a visually lightweight alternative to group boxes.
- A well can be used to highlight blocks of text or record detail within a display block.
Group boxes and tabs are considered sibling components in that they are each an equivalent level of container, within a display block. You can use group boxes or tabs to partition the content in a display block, but you should not nest tabs within a group box (or vice versa) since that level of grouping tends to make your app less responsive. Instead, try to use display blocks for the majority of your container needs, then resort to tabs or group boxes when needed.